Tips to prevent your fake tan fading
If your looking to achieve a sun-kissed bronzed glow sans the sun or tanning beds (if they're not banned where you live) - faking it with self tanner is the way to go. One of the common questions we get asked is how long will my fake tan last?
In this blog we’ll explore the longevity of fake tans, look at the factors that pro-long a fake tan and tips on how to make that glow last a little longer.
A bit about Fake tanning and DHA
Before we get into it, most of you ladies know what fake tanning is but just in case you're new to it all here's some info about fake tanning. A fake tan, AKA a sunless tan or a tan achieved without the damaging sun rays, a tan from a can or a bottle, involves applying a product containing the ingredient DHA (Dihydroxyacetone). This cosmetic ingredient is a colourless sugar based ingredient that interacts with the dead skin cells on your body that produces a brown ‘tanned’ colour on the skin similar to that you would achieve from uv sunbathing ( if your lucky enough to have skin that actually tans - unlike me lol).
5-7 days is the average amount of time a fake tan will last on your skin. By now we all know (if your a regular self tanning girly like myself) it's ALL about the PREP. Here’s a few things to consider if you want to your fake tan to last longer:
Your skin type: If your skin is more on the dry side or it's winter and you're a little more drier than normal your dead skin cells can shed faster which can result in your fake tan fader faster. Tip here: Moisturise DAILY, after day 1 of fake tanning to keep your skin moisturised (an oil free moisturiser is best as it will moisturise but not break down / fade your fake tan.
Pre-tan prep: I’ll say it and I’ll say it again, poor exfoliation and poor skin prep will affect your fake tan results. Worse still if you don't remove old fake tan properly (as a previous spray tan artist I seen this a lot). Self tan removers are fantastic, especially ones that remove your tan quickly for you with minimal scrubbing is best. Our new GlowOff Tan Remover Mousse is perfect for this, its hydrating and removes (3+ day old) fake tan in 5 minutes while prepping your skin to a low pH which is exactly what your skin needs for a better longer lasting tan (for your next application).
If you’ve got the time and wanna relax in the bath whilst removing tan our Tan Remover Bath Bomb is an excellent - this is also hydrating and with a blend of citric acid and natural oils works to remove a fake tan in hot water.
If you don't wanna fuss with tan removers, please at a minimum USE an EXFOLIATING MITT. This is an absolute must as this will remove the dead skin cells (and old tan if there is any) and buff your skin revealing a fresh base for the fake tan mousse to settle on - this will make fake tan last longer for sure and prevents uneven fading (which we do NOT want)
Your application method: Spray tans can last a longer than self tans or tans done at home. The main reason for this is that they apply generally 2 layers, are usually applied quite evenly and can sometiems contain a higher percentage of DHA. In saying this you can do two later of fake tan using your self tan mousse, just be careful to use a tanning mitt so your hands are not stains and you moisturise any typically dry skin areas such as your knees and elbows. Fake tan tends to cling to the drier areas and this can make them do very dark or cling too much and be hard to remove so definitely do this step - you'll notice the difference.
Once you’ve applied your self tan mousse use a drying powder on top - this sets the tan onto the skin and can help prolong your fake tan and ensures less mess and streaks while you marinate. See more about our Fake Tan Drying Powder here
IF your fake tanning your face, avoid Aalpha-hydroxy acids AHA’s and retinoids, unfortunately they will remove a fake tan much quicker. MY best tipe I can share is to use Face tanning Drops. These are honestly fantastic for face tanning and they are super simple to use and you can completely customise how light or dark you want to go. Simply add a few drops - I add 6 to my favourite moisturiser and im glowing within 12-24 hours. I apply our GlowDROPs every few days, it’s never orange, they are fragrance free, enriched with Hyaluronic acid and perfect for my make up free days and a glow that keeps on going. DON'T forget SPF - just saying!
Aftercare: After care is equally as important as your pre-tan prep. What you wanna do here is avoid long hot showers, quick and luke warm showers are fantastic, no ‘everything showers’ unless you wanna exfoliate. Another tip is to pat dry your body after each shower so you don’t rub any of the fake tan glow onto your towel. Also avoid chlorinated pools as that concoction of molecules will literally strip the bronzed glow you got going on. As will saunas, the heat from the steam will remove a fake tan quicker.
This one is obvious but STAY HYDRATED - drink plenty of water so your skin is lit from within aka - hydrated.
This tip might be obvious by limit exfoliation until at least day 5 or when you want to remove your tan or ifyour fake tan is looking a little patchy. Avoid shaving also as this should be done with your prep.
Your chosen self tanner: Make sure you use a high quality fake tanning product. What do you mean by high quality self tanner. Heres a few things I would consider.
Is the self tan mousse alcohol free? - some fake tan brands pack their formulas with alcohol to make the tan dry down faster. Alcohol can be drying to the skn as well as the DHA ingredient too - choose a tan mousse that is alcohol free - this is will be less drying on skin and will affect how long it lasts on your skin. I personally find the cheaper brands turn to the dreaded tiger bread within 3 days. GlowBronze self tan mousse is alcohol free and loaded with skin loving ingredients to keep your skin more supple in turn helping your glow last longer. Choosing a tan like GlowBronze that is rich in skincare BoTANical ingredients for brighter more skin skin also helps.
Tan extenders: AKA gradual self tan formulas are fantastic for maintaining a fake tan. If you find a good one of these they are basically a moisturiser with a small percentage of DHA - they provide the moisturisation your skin needs with a little hint of glow (DHA) to add to the amount of tan you can loose through daily showering etc. I am currently working on a gradual tan and Im excited to share it will hopefully be coming by the end of this year (in time for Aussie fake tan season) so stay tuned lovelies.
Anyhow, by following these tips and understanding the fake tanning process a you can honestly get the most out of your fake tan. Good prep, a skin loving high quality fake tan mousse and a moisturising daily self care routine will ensure your bronzed glow keeps glowing.
For more tips on tanning in winter or drying your tan quick or anything related to fake tanning check out our other blogs here and our full range of products here.